Our huge compaigns Our compaigns never missed the spot in taking the initiation and opportunities of developing people. Our tasks work to achieve the best of our company's mission statement. Our team will never sleep until we see change in the world by drawing these compaigns we introducing the world's number one piorities ,where we shall all contribute on ,then we can result the massive change in the world. We will never stop building one world ,one family we are all the galaxy of stars in the sky waiting to shine for the world. GET INVOLVE IN SOMETHING AMAZING Get invlove in something amazaing ,a campaign that builds and change the world. This we are looking into a huge situation that threatens the economy. We are in a lost generation that need our help as society. busy campaign:Galaxy Human's Right Challenge *This is an eventful celebration join our chellenge for human's right ,tell us what you think about your rights and you story link on it the best story will published in Our magazine: Galaxy Lead Times #spring edition Issue 2 and be recorded as documentary 2014 "My Rights are there"
submissions closed:10 Aprl 2014 20h30pm
direted to: publishers@galaxyhit.com